The Work & Worth Podcast is back and revamped! In this short episode, I walk through what I am going to be covering, as well as ask for your feedback and input.

Because we are in a capitalist society, our productivity and our work are tied very closely to our identity.

Hello and welcome to the inaugural episode of the revamped Work and Worth podcast! I'm your host, Cristin Downs, a possibilitarian and executive and career pivot coach. In this first episode, I'll introduce you to the core philosophy behind the show: the myriad possibilities in our work lives and how they're tied to our sense of worth. We'll explore topics like career pivots, managing layoffs, coping with toxic bosses, personal branding, and much more. Expect a mix of bite-sized insights, in-depth interviews, and real-life client stories designed to help you navigate your career with confidence. Connect with me on Instagram at @workandworthcoach, and let's embark on this journey together!

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Hello, and welcome to the Work and Worth podcast. My name is Cristin Downs, and I'm so happy to have you here today. I am a possibilitarian and an executive and career pivot coach. Ultimately, what I believe more than anything is that there are so many possibilities about what can happen. However, because of the way we are raised and what society tells us, along with all the societal structures around us, we often forget that there's possibility. We feel stuck, as if we're on a set path and can't do anything different. That's why I've embraced the title my friend, author Jody Smith, gave me many years ago. She saw me as a possibilitarian, and after giving it some thought, I realized she was absolutely right.

As an executive and career pivot coach, my expertise is work. I assist people with every aspect of work you can imagine. I help people rebound from layoffs, those new to people management, individuals changing careers, and those pivoting careers. I also help with year-end reviews, managing their own businesses, particularly in time management, operations, and business structure, ensuring alignment with their values.

All these aspects also interface with our worth. In a capitalist society, our productivity and work are closely tied to our identity. Often, when I have conversations with people about their work, they make choices based on how they feel they should be or how they'd like to perceive themselves, instead of how they actually are and how they want to be. This is how the title Work and Worth came together. I launched this podcast to provide you with simple, bite-sized episodes, interspersed with longer interview-style episodes to help you in your work life. If you have any interest in sending me topics you'd like me to discuss, you can find me on Instagram. My handle is @workandworthcoach. You can send me a message there and let me know what you're interested in hearing.

I would absolutely love to hear from you. Now, what we are going to cover are all the topics I normally address. Regarding career pivoting, I discuss whether you should stay or go in your existing industry, and what to do next if you decide to leave. I'll also cover various aspects of career pivoting, things you need to consider, and share stories from my clients and their successes. When it comes to work itself, I'll talk about raises and promotions, toxic bosses, year-end reviews, and transitioning to management, including how to review your employees and what they need from you. Additionally, I'll touch on topics that are tangentially related to work, such as personal branding, LinkedIn, conferences, and content strategy if you choose to build authority in that way.

I will also conduct interviews, speaking with either people I've worked with directly or those who have interesting work stories that I think you would love to hear. I'll also do case studies, exploring options for teachers and those in higher education looking to pivot into different fields, and provide stories from individuals in those spaces to give you an idea of what it's like.

So, that's what you can expect from me. Personally, I am very fond of expletives, but because I want people to be able to listen to these episodes in front of their children, I will keep it clean. If I have a guest who uses an expletive, I will mark the episode accordingly. I think that's it. I'm excited to be here with you. Thank you for joining me on this adventure.

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